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Oh, the Widowhood Holidaze

Writer: Terriann MullerTerriann Muller

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

Merry Christmas to you!!

Can you believe the holiday is in full swing!!? Christmas Eve is in two days...already!!

This has been a short holiday season... it feels like Thanksgiving was just yesterday, right? 

But for many of us, it seems like it can't be over soon enough, the hustle and bustle can be taxing. Here are a few simple tips to help you enjoy this beautiful time of the year and the reason for the season. 

I know this can be a tough time for many of us, but community and connection can make all the difference! You are a special part of the 👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼 Renegade Widow Community! 

And so, permission given! 

There you go! This is your permission to enjoy the parts that feel right to you and to gracefully step away from the things that don't serve you. Learning to gracefully say no is a beautiful thing.

But, I want you to know, it is okay to say yes too!!

Saying yes to the Christmas festivities whether it is decorating your home, attending a candle light service, or hitting the Christmas bash is totally up to you.

Let me encourage you to say yes to something festive and fun, give yourself permission to enjoy and be happy for your blessings, big or small. 

Here are some simple reminders of how to take care of you:

Find meaning to the season. Even if ..... ( can you say 2020 cluster...) finish the statement. There is a deeper meaning to this wonderful time of year. If you are like me and a believer that Christmas is to celebrate our Saviors birth, it is a fine time to dig deeper into your faith.

Look for reasons to celebrate and to give! What can you do to make the season a little more merry and bright? Think about creating new traditions. Take a box of no longer needed abundance to the local shelter. We all have things we have been blessed with that we no longer want or need... box it up, get it out the door to bless someone else. 

Make intentional choices... you get to decide what you do and dont do, isn't that freeing? You don't have to succumb to holiday dread but instead plan to enjoy the things that bring a smile to your heart and skip the things that are less appealing. It is okay, you are your own council. 

Breathe and be in the moment. This sounds so simple, and it is!! But, it is POWERFUL! Like life changing, not kidding, don't knock it until you try it!

No amount of stress and worry will change the past or the future. Take deep cleansing breaths and bring yourself back to the moment. You may need to raise this awareness often, throughout your day, but it is worth it. Deep breathing is a powerful way to ground and center yourself to enjoy the moment, even if that means laying on the sofa in the quiet, that is good too! 

Plan some new memory making moments. Studies show that happiness comes more from experiences rather than things. Plan to go to a local Christmas play or musical event at a local church. I love church at Christmas, they really do go above and beyond to bring more joy to the season. Go and enjoy, meet some new people and give thanks for your blessings. Take a drive to look at lights, put on some carols, make some hot chocolate to go, and have FUN!! 

Host a small gathering. Social distancing doesn't have to mean complete solitude. Planning a gathering can really raise your spirits. Enjoy creating a space of festive joy in your home, have a few friends and family over to make new memories. This will give you something to really look forward to. Make a few of your favorite treats to share and ask your guest to bring their special treats, to share too, this will keep the work load to a minimum and the fun to a maximum! 

Enjoy the treats It's good to enjoy the treats of the season - totally guilt free. But, you can also decide to honor and feed your body only the things that feel and taste really nice. You don't have to eat everything in front of you. Instead be mindful and take time to savor the treats you choose to enjoy, guilt free. Eat a healthy meal before heading out to Christmas celebrations, even if it is snacking on a few fresh cut veggies and a big glass of refreshing water, do this to nourish, energize and refresh before heading out the door. 

Hydrate. Drinking 80-100 ounces of water every day is so good for you. We forget we need water in the winter too. This helps your liver to flush out those extra food and drink items that can be taxing to your system.

Always be in gratitude.  Being grateful is one of the most effective ways to move out of a funk and into peace. Go pick up a new journal.  Write 5 things everyday that you are grateful for. Or cut up some pretty paper to write down your blessings. Put them in a pretty jar and when you feel a funk coming on, grab one out of the jar when you need a reminder of what you do have. Add to it often! 

I am so grateful to have you, as part of my Renegade Widow community. I hope as we round out this year, this decade even, that I have in some way made your life a little better and that you have felt supported and loved, 

I look forward to getting to know more about you and developing a deeper connection with you. 

Christmas blessings beautiful girl... 

Hugs and love~ Terriann 


1 Comment

It's y 3rd without husband of 23yrz -my soulmate. I didnt didnt decorate at all my 1st Christmas. Went sis widow, my step mom in law. I got out of Dodge!

I know we saw a funny movie- cant recall what? Went for a walk with her and her dog, Scout. We kinda did our own thing. Then her kids and ⁴grandkids.I was Christmassed out

and had an exit strategy. It

was ok.

This year I put up a tree and decorated my patio ! Progress!:)

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